Yearning for time for myself, I did something different this morning. Instead of the usual routine of making breakfast, putting away dishes, and turning on the morning news, I decided to try something new.
I made myself a hot cup of tea and waited for the sun to rise. I closed my eyes and took in 10 deep breaths, focusing on the energy going in through my nose and out through my mouth (Thanks Bikram Yoga!). I repeated my affirmations (Something new I am trying). I said all the things I was grateful for in my life right now (I should do this every day!).
Pure Julia time. No obligations. No looking at the list of things to do. The dishes could wait. I wasn't hungry yet. CJ and Christopher were still asleep. I was making myself a priority and making time for me.
I've always been able to carve time for myself whether it was to paint my nails, read a fashion magazine or watch a TV show uninterrupted. Today, I was slowing things down...way, way down. I can honestly say I lived in the moment.
I was just...being.