Thursday, November 27, 2014

I'm Thankful For...


MY HEALTH - can I get an amen?! I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or because people are getting sick more (probably due to processed foods), but I swear, I feel like SO many people I know are affected by illnesses, cancers, diseases, conditions and ailments. I'm truly sad by all this, but at the same time motivated to make healthy choices each day for myself and my family.

MY HUBBY -  CJ is the calm to my storm and the sunshine to my rainy days. I used to think it was so corny when people would say, my husband is my best friend. Guys cannot offer what girls can in friendships. It's true and I still believe that, but I also believe that your spouse is your #1 companion. They are also your confidant, cheerleader, constructive criticizer and caretaker when you are sick.

MY SON - I know moms are supposed to play it cool, but this is my blog and I don't care. I love my son more than anything in this world. More than ANYTHING. I could literally stare at him all day and not be bored. If he let me, I would probably kiss him non-stop. His every move is amazing and clap-worthy for me. From the day he was born, I have prayed every single night thanking God. My prayer starts like this, "Heavenly Father, thank you for another beautiful day with my perfect boy. He is a blessing. Thank you...".

MY FAMILY - My family...we're loud. We play the nose game to get out of doing dishes each time we're together. I'm usually the slowest one, so I despise that game. We have 5 different conversations going on at any given time. I remember one of us yelling whenever dinner was ready. Thanksgiving was our time to throw the best parties whilst our parents were away for the weekend. Four kids times four groups of friends...crazy fun time and a ton of trash. When I think of Thanksgiving, I think of my family and our craziness and I wouldn't change it for the world.

MY EXTENDED FAMILY - This includes my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I have a special relationship with everyone. I have fond memories with each person. I try my best to call or see them whenever I can. Life gets busy, so you just gotta try a little bit harder.

MY INLAWS - They're a loving bunch, those Changs. Being a part of this family has taught me a lot about patience, love and most importantly, cooking! I've learned some great Korean recipes from my MIL, even kimchi. Never thought I'd ever make my own kimchi, but I've done it three times already. If you can't tell, I'm pretty proud about that!

MY FRIENDS - One day, I need to dedicate one entry specifically for my friends. I genuinely believe that God placed each friend in my life at the time he did for a purpose. Friends are my lifeline. They are the silver lining. They have lifted me up when I was down. My group of girls...we're loud. Really loud. We're the type of friends that will throw each other under the bus because it's fun. We tell it like it is, yet hurt alongside you when one is in pain. Nothing can replace them. Nothing.

Lastly, I am thankful for this blog. I look forward to writing an entry each week and look forward to reading back years from now. Christopher will have a good glimpse into mommy's mind.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Pan con Tomate

CJ and I honeymooned in Barcelona. It was the perfect setting for a pair of lovebirds wanting to explore a beautiful Spanish city. Tapas, sangria, art, architecture, history, culture and friendly people are what I walked away with.

Two things I have brought into our lives back in Maryland are espressos (only me, on occasion) and pan con tomate.

I could eat this every day. Pan con tomate is so simple, yet so flavorful. I can literally eat an entire loaf of french bread this way.

Pan con Tomate


1 garlic clove
half of a medium tomato
2 slices of french bread
olive oil


Toast french bread.
While it's toasting, crush garlic cloves. I do this with the flat side of a knife.
When bread is ready, take the crushed garlic cloves and rub it on the bread.
Drizzle olive oil.
Halve a tomato and rub it onto the toast.


Julia's Notes: If you have prosciutto, put a slice on top and it will taste delicious! The recipe calls for just 2 slices, but honestly...good luck having just two. I leave all the ingredients on a cutting board and just nibble on it for the next few hours. It's just that good.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Jessica Alba's Meatballs

There are a ton of meatball recipes out there. They all look tasty. I came across this one and decided to try it because there is one step that makes it so delicious. Jessica Alba's last step involves simmering meatballs in chicken broth. Genius.

Baby bonus: Christopher devoured these and I felt so great about feeding him something nutritious. 


  • 2 pounds lean ground turkey
  • 1 cup panko (Japanese breadcrumbs) OR rolled oats
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped carrots
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped zucchini
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped onion
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons Italian seasoning
  • 1 tablespoon coarse sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3/4 cup homemade or store-bought low-sodium chicken broth 

  1. In a large bowl, mix turkey, panko or rolled oats, carrots, zucchini, onion, eggs, Italian seasoning, and salt until well combined; form into 1-inch balls.
  2. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add meatballs and cook, turning, until browned, about 7 minutes.
  3. Add 1/2 cup chicken broth; cover and reduce heat to low. Cook until liquid is almost completely absorbed, about 7 minutes. Add remaining 1/4 cup broth and increase heat to medium; cook, uncovered, until liquid is absorbed. Serve. 
Julia's Notes:  The original recipe doesn't call for rolled oats. I didn't have panko and substituted with rolled oats. Healthier and the chicken broth ensure it's cooked all the way. YUM! (Also, that is not my picture of meatballs. I've had a situation with my cell phone photos).

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Skinny Pumpkin Spice Latte

I think it's safe to say everyone loves Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Lattes. What I don't love is the cost of one of these babies or the calorie count. I found a skinny version of this and I think it tastes so yum. And mind you, I love drinking my coffee black. No sugar, no cream. Black. Something about this latte is soothing to me. I've made it several times and whilst I like my coffee black, I like my lattes sweet. A few extra sprinkles of Stevia made this treat so delectable.

Skinny Pumpkin Spice Latte
1/2 cup vanilla almond milk
4 tablespoons pumpkin puree
1 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 drops of liquid stevia
8 ounces of brewed coffee
sprinkle of cinnamon/nutmeg
In a saucepan, heat up the milk and pumpkin puree on medium heat. Remove from heat and add vanilla, spices and sweetner. Use a blender for 30 seconds. Pour coffee into a mug, then this pumpkin mixture and sprinkle with cinnamon/nutmeg. Enjoy!
Julia's Notes: I made this with Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin flavored coffee. So good!