Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Apple slices with PB and Granola

Being pregnant is a beautiful experience. A blessing. Feeling your little bun grow inside you is truly amazing. That being said, it does come with a few not-so-fun side effects. Currently, the biggest ailment I'm experiencing is heartburn/acid reflux. The muscles in the body relax and acid isn't kept down as well as it used to be. There are a few things to help with this. Tums is GODSEND. Not laying down after you eat helps a ton. Eating clean (no greasy, spicy or processed foods) helps a lot as well.

I was craving a crunchy, healthy snack. I've seen photos of this snack before and decided to give it a try.

Apple Slices with PB and Granola


Any apple
Any nut butter


- Slice apples and core them (I took off the rubber piece of a baster and used the round part. It worked!)

- Spread your favorite nut butter (as much or as little as you want)

- Sprinkle granola


So easy and so delicious. A feel-good snack :)

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