Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

When I was young, my grandmother let me take out all the insides of the pumpkin. It felt cold and mushy, but it was fun. While I got to do the fun part, she was left with the painstaking task of separating the pumpkin stringy part and the seeds. I remember running away to play with my brother, John, and the smell of the roasted pumpkin seeds would bring us back to the kitchen. They were ready to be eaten!

After many years of living without a pumpkin, I decided to jump start this tradition with my family. CJ, Christopher and I went pumpkin picking this morning. We let Christopher choose the baby pumpkins. CJ gutted and carved a large pumpkin. It was my turn to enjoy the painstaking task of picking out the seeds.

These roasted pumpkin seeds bring back so many great memories. I look forward to making this a yearly activity. 

PS - I looked up the nutrition facts of pumpkin seeds and they are quite good for you and super tasty!

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds


Pumpkin seeds
Olive oil


Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees.
After gutting a pumpkin, separate the pumpkin stringy part and the seeds. Keep the seeds and throw away the stringy stuff. Good luck!
Dry the seeds with papertowel.
In a baking pan, drizzle olive oil.
Pour in the pumpkin seeds and sprinkle salt.
Mix it around a bit so the seeds are coated in olive oil.
Bake for 15-20 minutes.


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