Monday, February 23, 2015


Recently, a friend texted me saying I had to download this great fitness app called Blogilates. This friend introduces me to all sorts of cool apps, from baby apps to photo printing apps. They're all great, so I trusted Blogilates would be just as great. Immediately, I downloaded the app and like a kid in a candy store, I smiled at all the clean eating recipes and at-home workout videos.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I fell off the health wagon for a little bit and I wanted to try the shortest workout video available. I chose the 6 minute arm workout. This arm workout was different from any arm exercises I've done before and I could do it in the comfort of my living room while watching Christopher play.

Cassey Ho creates workouts into bite-sized pieces, which I love. The thought of working out for an hour can be exhausting alone. Her videos are all pretty short, so I feel like I have no excuse. Today is day 3 of following her workouts. Let's do this!

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