Monday, May 18, 2015

7-Day Water Challenge

I haven't made the formal announcement on the blog yet, but I recently became a Beachbody coach!! I am IN LOVE with E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G about Beachbody. I will have to dedicate a post to it another time and I will, but today is all about WATER.

H20. Our body's made up of roughly 70% water and we NEED water to survive. I remember hearing long ago that while we can go weeks and weeks without food, we can only survive a week without water.

Luckily for me, I freaking LOVE water. I prefer it to soda and juice. It quenches my thirst. I also prefer room temperature water, which is great because it's recommended room temp water is the best for your body to absorb it properly.

On Facebook, I announced a 7-Day Water Challenge that starts today. ANYONE can do it from ANYWHERE. You take your weight, divide that by 2 and that's how many ounces of water you should be drinking each day.  It's really not as hard as it sounds if you're aware of it.

My only advice: stay near the restrooms!

I've had FANTASTIC feedback all day and it's been fun to do this challenge with people who want to lead healthier lives.

GET YOUR DRINK ON! Let's pop some bottles! Water bottles, that is.

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