Thursday, April 2, 2015

10 Minutes of Sun

With the weather slowly warming and the sun brightly shining, I've been heading outdoors. Since it's still chilly, I stay out for about 10 minutes. It's those 10 minutes that I leave the social media/email/text/worldwideweb world and focus on the simple things in life - fresh air and warm sun. Whether it's taking a walk with Christopher or hanging in our driveway blowing bubbles, basking in the sun seems to be a very happy time.

There are numerous benefits from hanging in the sun, but I'll name my top 3 faves:

1) The sun helps our bodies produce Vitamin D, which is needed for bone health and supporting our immune system.

2) Being in the sun makes us HAPPY! Rainy weather makes us feel blah and sunny weather improves our mood.

3) Sun = sleep. I'll vouch for that. Ever recall basking in the sun at the beach and feeling really sleepy? Getting the proper amount of sunlight every day helps us snooze.


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