Friday, April 24, 2015

My Open Letter to Michael Buble

Dear Michael Buble,

I don't know when, where or how I was introduced to your music, but it has affected my life in more ways than one. During times of stress, loneliness and sadness, you were there to lift me up even for just a moment.  During my happiest times, you were there to celebrate with me.

Your music is like a drug. A sense of calm and peace overcomes me. Hope is renewed. Happiness is restored. Life is great. Add a glass of red wine and I'm in utopia.

Can I share with you a little ritual I've established whenever I need Julia time? I go into my bathroom, lock the door, play your music and paint my nails. Other times, I put on a pair of headphones, drink a glass of wine and mindlessly explore the internet. I am in my own world. I come out a happier Julia. I'm sure my husband and son will thank you one day.

Keep on, Michael Buble. Keep on. And thank you.



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