Wednesday, April 29, 2015

ABC Leglifts

When I'm feeling a little pudgy in my tummy area (which is quite often, btw), I start doing a bunch of ab exercises. Watching TV and doing some crunches or leglifts are easy, as long as you're in the mood. I need constant variety with my workouts, otherwise I get bored quick. For me, being bored means I stop working out. I get workout inspiration (is it called fitspo?) from magazines, Youtube, Pinterest, and of course, CJ.

I forget where I came across this simple, creative leglift exercise, but I get through it pretty quickly.

ABC Leglifts

Lay down on your back. 
Hands under your bum. 
Write out the alphabet with your legs.
Start with upper case letters, then do the lower case letters. 


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