Monday, September 22, 2014

Lemon Water Benefits

I've been reading a lot about food and health lately. The foods we eat directly affect our health. Most foods we eat are acidic and an acidic environment is where viruses and illnesses thrive. Ideally, we want our bodies to be in an alkaline state.  Healthy foods don't cure illnesses. They simply nourish our bodies and strengthen our immune system to do what it does best: attack the bad stuff.

Believe it or not, lemons help keep our bodies alkaline. Counterintuitive, right? Lemons themselves are acidic, but once ingested, they become alkaline. The easiest way for me to get in my daily dose of lemons: LEMON WATER!

We're supposed to drink 6-8 glasses of water, so why not hit two birds with one stone. Hydrate and get our bodies alkaline! They say room temperature water is the best and cold water isn't good for you, but in my opinion, too many rules deter people from living a healthy lifestyle. Do what works for you!

There are so many other benefits: improved digestion, good for the skin, boosts immune system...CHEERS!

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