Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Let's do this! Healthy Lifestyle Makeover.

My dad practices what he preaches. He is the most healthiest person I know. He exercises 5-6 days a week for 2 hours each session. He tries not to eat too much red meat, stays away from white rice and avoids salty foods like the plague. At age 64, the man has a six pack, dresses GQ and looks young! I am a proud daughter.

Needless to say, my father has influenced me heavily when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. I must admit, I haven't exhibited the same amount of discipline as he has. I'll read about some detox program in a magazine or a new fad diet and I'll be super motivated to hit the ground running. The excitement and high will last for maybe a week or two and then...bam! One cheat meal is all it takes for me to go spiraling back to my old ways, albeit healthier than most people.

Recently, I have been reminded that life without health is nothing. My grandfather is 92 years old and tells me this every single time I see him without fail. Money, fame, power...it's all meaningless without health.

Instead of a diet to lose weight, I am embarking on a journey to live healthier - with food, my body and my soul.

This blog is my personal diary to preserve family recipes, test out new recipes, share workouts and anything else that my little heart desires. 

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